Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Photographs Taken March 4, 2007, Around Waitomo

Mother and Chicks!!

Stone Formations in Second Cave

An opening from the field above to the second cave. Animals sometimes fall through these holes to the cave floor below.

The skeleton of a cow that apparently fell through a hole like the one above to the cave floor.

A moa skeleton. The moa was a very large animal that looked somewhat like an emu. They became extinct in NZ around 500 years ago.
Glowworms on the ceiling of the first cave. The lights of the worm aren't evident here. These long strings are filaments that enable the worm to catch prey for food. The glow comes from the excreted food being burnt. The glowworms looked like the myriad stars in the sky. The water below reflected the lights from above. It was a very calming and reflective experience looking at the lights on the cave ceiling.
The entrance to the first (glowworm) cave. We travelled down the river in a raft and looked at the glowworms until we could hear a waterfall. Then we returned to the mouth and explored another cave close by.

A close-up of vegetation.

Landscape Around the Waitomo Area

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